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  • You've Recently Been Disciplined on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#20) You've Recently Been Disciplined

    If you received a write-up from upper management, take it as a learning opportunity and try your damn best to do better. Past disciplinary actions make it easier for your employer to fire you suddenly, so you better start working that booty off.
  • All Your Coworkers Get a Raise But You on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#18) All Your Coworkers Get a Raise But You

    We think it's safe to say that if people didn't get paid for work, no one would be employed. If all of your colleagues got a merit-based raise, and you didn't, take the opportunity to start checking out other employment options.
  • Exclusion From Meetings on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#4) Exclusion From Meetings

    Ever heard the phrase, "High school is never really over"? If you suddenly feel like a Cady to your coworkers' Regina, chances are you're getting axed. 
  • Being Frequently Reminded of Your Responsibilities on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#12) Being Frequently Reminded of Your Responsibilities

    How many times does your boss have to remind you that work is for work and Facebook is for the long subway ride home? If you're constantly being reminded to stay focused on your responsibilities, be prepared to get let go.
  • You Make a Major Mistake That Affects The Whole Company on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#11) You Make a Major Mistake That Affects The Whole Company

    The lesson of "we all make mistakes" has been drilled into us since preschool. Work, like, life, has its ups and downs and its successes and failures. However, if you just blew a major deal that caused the company irreparable damage, get ready to take a very long vacation.
  • Asking You To Explain Your Job Description on Random Signs You Are Going to Be Fired

    (#7) Asking You To Explain Your Job Description

    Let's be frank, your employer knows what's expected of you and so do you. If you're constantly being asked to explain what it is exactly you do to upper management, your company may be aiming to replace you. 

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About This Tool

Before being fired, there are always signs, but the employees may not aware of it. If you are aware of these signs listed in the random tool, you should be nervous. The words "you are fired" are always surprising. Most people tend to be shocked as if they didn't expect it at all, which is strange. Like many other things in life, sometimes only when you look back can you see that many signs have already signaled the end.

The random tool lists 20 important signs that warn you are about to be fired. Once you notice these signs at work, at least you have a chance to change. Good luck to you.

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