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Random Ships Of The Line Of Russiareport

  • Aleksei 74 ("Алексей", 1790, A) – Hulked 1808, BU 1815

    (Battleships of the Baltic Fleet (1703–1860)) (Russian-built battleships)

  • Isaak-Viktoriya 66 ("Исаак-Виктория", 1719) – BU after 1739

    (Battleships of the Baltic Fleet (1703–1860)) (Russian-built battleships)

  • Slava Ekateriny 66 ("Слава Екатерины") 1783) – Renamed Preobrazheniye Gospodne ("Преображение Господне") 1788, flaghip of rear admiral count Mark Voynovich at the Battle of Fidonisi (1788), BU after 1791

    (Battleships of the Black Sea Fleet (1783–1855)) (Russian-built battleships)

  • Iosif II 80 ("Иосиф II", 1787) – Renamed Rozhdestvo Christovo ("Рождество Христово")1790, flagship of rear admiral Fyodor Ushakov at the Battle of Kerch Strait (1790), Battle of Tendra (1790), and Battle of Cape Kaliakra (1791), BU 1800

    (Battleships of the Black Sea Fleet (1783–1855)) (Russian-built battleships)

  • Viacheslav 66 ("Вячеслав", 1771, A) – BU after 1784

    (Battleships of the Baltic Fleet (1703–1860)) (Russian-built battleships)

  • Apostol Piotr 36 ("Апостол Пётр", April 1696) (sailing & rowing) – Abandoned at Azov to Turkey 1711

    (Battleships of the Azov Fleet (1696–1711) of Peter the Great) (Russian-built battleships)

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About This Tool

Russia’s northern part is the Arctic Ocean, where Russia has a military port and where the nuclear-powered icebreaker can keep shipping routes open; as global warming scientists estimate that the ice in the Arctic is melting at a rate of 3 percent a year, but Russia itself has the superior port and the congenital condition has the special superiority route and the channel. The random tool records information on all 490 of the ships that once operated on Russian routes.

These ships have been sailing freely through Russia to all parts of the world since the 18th century. If you look closely at the generator, you can also find important information about the ship’s route, the time the ship was in operation, the number and scientific name of the ship, and the type and class of the ship. The early Russian routes were the most popular and complete in Eastern Europe, and most tourists who wanted to travel directly to other countries in Russia often chose the most convenient and cost-effective shipping routes.

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