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  • They Can Have Tongues That Are Longer Than Their Bodies on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#7) They Can Have Tongues That Are Longer Than Their Bodies

    Pangolins aren’t exactly the biggest creatures. The smallest ones are around four pounds, and the largest ones still only get to about 70 pounds. There are some species that can reach six feet long, which is mostly the tail, but many others are just a few feet long even at full size. However, that length could be more than doubled if you included the size of their tongues. 

    Pangolins have long tongues because they mainly eat insects. These long tongues can go into burrows, sticking to ants and other bugs before sucking them back in. In many cases, pangolins’ tongues are actually longer than their entire bodies, though you’re unlikely to see them fully extended. That means we’re looking at a minimum of several feet of tongue for a full-grown pangolin.

  • Some Have Super Dextrous Tails on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#4) Some Have Super Dextrous Tails

    One of the pangolin's most notable features is its very long, semi-flat, and scaly tail. In some species of Pangolin, this tail is for more than just balance and looks. In fact, the tail of many pangolin is incredibly strong, dexterous, and genuinely prehensile. This means they can grab things with it, use it for climbing, and even just hang upside down. 

    Indian pangolins found in Sri Lanka, for example, live in the rainforest canopy their entire lives, rather than on the ground as with some African species. They use their tails to grasp branches to aid with their climbing, and can be sometimes found hanging upside down from trees. Other species from Africa who do not hang or have perfectly prehensile tails can still use their tails for balance, and for defending their bodies from attack.

  • They Get Sheepish Around Potential Mates on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#10) They Get Sheepish Around Potential Mates

    For the most part, pangolins are very solitary creatures. They come out at night, they stay underground, and they don’t move in packs or pairs. When they are ready to go out looking for love, males try to attract females with special scent markings, and then they watch and wait. When a female comes, things start to get a little weird.

    For one thing, male Pangolins turn into awkward dorks when a female comes along. They are not sure how to approach, they seem skittish, and they’ll often scare their potential mate away. This might also be because the male is up for 50% heavier and larger than the female. Add in some sharp and potentially harmful scales to navigate, and you can see why mating would be a bit of a tricky procedure.

  • They Live For Longer Than Dogs And Cats on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#15) They Live For Longer Than Dogs And Cats

    Unfortunately, people seem insistent on keeping these cute creatures as pets. While this is incredibly misguided, it does bring up an interesting fact. The average dog or cat only lives up into their teen years before dying. Pangolins, on the other hand, have been known to live to around 20 while in captivity, making them generally longer-lasting animals than most other pets. But that’s not even the coolest thing about their longevity.

    Researchers actually aren't entirely sure what the full lifespan of a pangolin is. In captivity, they tend to become depressed, and a whole load of health issues arise that eventually lead to death. In the wild, however, scientists have never gotten a solid read on how long they’re able to last. Because of the depressive state of pangolins, which lead to their death, its possible those in the wild could last well beyond 20.

  • We Still Have So Much To Learn About Them on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#16) We Still Have So Much To Learn About Them

    Sadly enough, we still know very little about these creatures. Because they are solitary, nocturnal, and live underground, they’ve been increasingly difficult to study. Their failure to thrive in captivity also makes researching them that way problematic. We still do not know their lifespan, all their breeding habits, and we have little understanding of their social interactions. In short, there’s still so much to learn about pangolins!

  • They're Super Clumsy on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#13) They're Super Clumsy

    With all these spikes and a handy tail, you might think the pangolin is built to be a fighter, like some sort of stegosaurus. Unfortunately, that’s really not the case. These animals tend to be rather bumbling and clumsy, and when they roll up in balls, they have a habit of rolling down hills or sliding down embankments rather than staying put. They also can't run fast without falling over. It may be pretty cute, but it’s also a major problem.

    Pangolins also easily stunned and confused, which makes them easy prey. For this reason, they’re absurdly easy to capture. A random person could walk by with a pair of thick gloves, just scoop one up and put it in a sack before the pangolin even knew what is happening. This also makes them good prey for large predators, because they’re not fast enough to run, and pretty fun to play with. 

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About This Tool

Pangolins live mostly in subtropical deciduous forests. Pangolins are a kind of mammals that are covered with scales from head to tail. They have no teeth and poor eyesight. In fact, they will never be a threat to any other mammals. When facing enemies, pangolins will shrink into a ball to protect their soft abdomen with scales. However, the harmless pangolins have become the most trafficked animals in the world.

This ancient species, which has lived on the earth for more than 40 million years, is on the brink of extinction within a few decades. But in fact, the scales of pangolins are actually made of keratin, just like human nails. The random tool introduces 16 facts about pangolins you will be interested in.

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