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  • Naked Mole Rat on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#8) Naked Mole Rat

    • Heterocephalus glaber
    No one knows why, but naked mole rats can't get cancer. Scientists have studied their genes and are working on a way to clone and sequence their DNA. Averse to cancer, literal lab rats, crazy skin - these guys are basically the Deadpool of the animal kingdom.
  • Salamander on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#11) Salamander

    • Caudata
    You guys, salamanders can regrow their limbs with a real regenerative healing factor. Scientists are in the early stages of reverse engineering the salamander's healing power to lengthen the human life span.
  • Cuckoo on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#15) Cuckoo

    • Cuculidae
    Like the sleazy baddie from Marvel's Jessica Jones, the cuckoo bird uses its voice to make other birds do the one thing they don't want to do - foster the cuckoo's eggs while ignoring their own.
  • Hummingbird on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#13) Hummingbird

    • Trochilidae
    If you've ever seen a hummingbird in flight then you know already know that it's an amazing creature. But did you know that hummingbirds are the fastest animal, relative to their size? A scientist measured them moving at up to 385 body lengths per second (blps) - around 27.3 meters per second.
  • Water Boatman, Master of the Highlands on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#9) Water Boatman, Master of the Highlands

    The Water Boatman is a tiny bug, but it can make a sound that blasts out at 99.2 decibels, about the volume of a loud orchestra, which is insane because the Boatman is about as big as your fingernail. How does it do this? It rubs its penis against its abdomen in a process known as "stridulation."

    Move this critter to Scotland and name it Banshee.

  • Don't Call the Archer Fish Puddin' on Random Real Animals That Literally Have Superpowers

    (#16) Don't Call the Archer Fish Puddin'

    An archer fish is basically the Deadshot of the undersea world. Sniper fish shoot a water jet right out of their mouths with incredible accuracy. How? They compress their gill covers, and force water through a veritable "gun barrel" made by their tongue and the roof of their mouth.

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About This Tool

There is no doubt that many animals can have powerful survival skills. In the process of biological evolution for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, countless animals have developed many strange and amazing abilities in order to adapt to cruel nature. In fact, the superpowers that many animals have evolved are indeed incredible. Humans have always been committed to studying the superpowers of these animals in order to obtain useful information.

The random tool introduced 20 real animals that have superpowers, such as the tentacles of octopuses can regenerate, and bats have unparalleled echo detection capabilities, etc. These are just the tip of the iceberg of superpowers in the animal kingdom.

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