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Random Rakshasasreport

  • Indrajit - One of Rāvaṇa's seven sons. Another name of Meghanāda ॐ

    (I) (List in alphabetical order)

  • Pauruṣeya - Dwells in the sun during the month of Śukra (Bhāgavata Purāṇa) or Jyēṣṭha or Śuci (Viṣṇu Purāṇa) ॐ

    (P) (List in alphabetical order)

  • Sāṃhrāda - One of Sumālī's ten sons ॐ

    (S) (List in alphabetical order)

  • Bhīma ॐ

    (B) (List in alphabetical order)

  • Yajñāpeta - Dwells in the sun during the month of Phālguna (Viṣṇu Purāṇa). Replaces Makhāpeta from the Bhāgavata Purāṇa ॐ

    (Y) (List in alphabetical order)

  • Atikāya - One of Rāvaṇa's seven sons ॐ

    (A) (List in alphabetical order)

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About This Tool

Raksha, in Buddhism, refers to evil spirits, evil spirits that eat human flesh. First seen in the history of Indian odes, the Rigveda, originally known as the Indian subcontinent. Since the Aryan conquest of India after all the evil people bad things, and later unified will be evil ghosts are called Luosha. There are 134 of the more famous legends of the History of India, recorded in this random tool. They were imprisoned in hell for different things and became the bogeyman everyone feared.

With this generator, we can also see the Indian scientific names of these rakshasas, and make a detailed list. This information may not be comprehensive, but if you search the internet for related Raksha legends, you will find that every legend has a source and is sent to hell for a different reason, and became the feared ghost of India.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of Rakshasas.

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