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  • (#19) They Couldn't Coordinate Outfits

    From Redditor /u/PuddleOfHamster:

    At the end of the ceremony she changed into an extremely fancy going-away outfit - tight and purple and laced up down the sides. He changed into an old t-shirt and shorts that reeked of stale student-bachelor sweat and said, "Oh, I didn't know we were dressing up." She gave him a look of the purest hatred and disgust. They separated six months later.

  • (#15) The Bride's Dad Offered The Groom A Way Out

    From Redditor /u/Kdogg573:

    At my brother's first wedding his fiances dad came into the room we were using to get ready and told my brother that if he wanted to leave he would take care of all the people inside and he wouldnt even be mad.

    My brother did it anyway. Divorced 4 months later.

  • (#2) The Groom Kept Partying When His Wife Had A Seizure

    From Redditor /u/Rayemonde:

    After the ceremony, the bride (who had epilepsy) had a seizure and her family took her into a side room away from all the guests to look after her until she’d recovered. The groom didn’t bother to go and help look after his wife, he was too busy getting drunk and partying with all his mates. Even after the bride recovered enough to return to the celebrations he didn’t stay with her or comfort her and she sat there in tears for half the night.

    It lasted a couple of years.

  • (#12) The Groom Took More Pictures With His Mom Than With His Partner

    From Redditor /u/FeralBottleofMtDew:

    I wasn’t at a family members wedding, but looking at the pictures and video I pissed my mom off by saying I give it two years, tops. There were easily twice as many pics of the groom with his mother as there were of the bride and groom. And the pics were... odd. Mom was hanging all over the groom so much and was so handsy/touchy it looked like they were a couple. They were separated about a year and a half later. The bride and groom. As far as I know the groom and his mom are still together.

  • (#3) The Husband Hooked Up With A Bridesmaid

    From Redditor /u/jacobrice8:

    The husband slept with one of the bridesmaids a week before the wedding.

  • (#8) The Groom Changed His Whole Personality For The Bride

    From Redditor /u/SpaceNerd07:

    Attended a wedding where the bride talked, not about her love for him or how great he is, but more about how he changed so much of his personality for her and how that made everything perfect.

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About This Tool

The wedding is composed of exciting moments: the bride walks down the aisle, the newlywed's exchange rings and kisses, cut the cake, and everyone cheers and celebrates at the party. The wedding is not only one of the most important moments in many people's lives but also an important time for marriage to begin and develop. No one knows what happens at a wedding better than wedding planners and photographers, they use their cameras to take all the photos.

The more weddings they engage in, the more red flags they know, indicating which bride and groom will not be together forever. The random tool lists 20 wedding red flags that show their marriage will not last for a long time.

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