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  • [Year]: 1993
    [Laureate]: Robert Fogel
    [Category]: Economics
    [Relation]: Faculty, 1960s and ’70s
    [Rationale]: "for having renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory and quantitative methods in order to explain economic and institutional change"

  • [Year]: 2018
    [Laureate]: Donna Strickland
    [Category]: Physics
    [Relation]: Ph.D., 1989
    [Rationale]: "for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses" (chirped pulse amplification)

  • [Year]: 2018
    [Laureate]: Gérard Mourou
    [Category]: Physics
    [Relation]: Faculty, 1980s
    [Rationale]: "for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses" (chirped pulse amplification)

  • [Year]: 2017
    [Laureate]: Richard Thaler
    [Category]: Economics
    [Relation]: Ph.D., 1974
    [Rationale]: "for his contributions to behavioural economics"

  • [Year]: 1943
    [Laureate]: Henrik Dam
    [Category]: Physiology or Medicine
    [Relation]: Senior research associate, 1942-1945
    [Rationale]: "for his discovery of vitamin K"

  • [Year]: 1959
    [Laureate]: Arthur Kornberg
    [Category]: Physiology or Medicine
    [Relation]: M.D., 1941
    [Rationale]: "for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)"

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About This Tool

Since its inception in 1900, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to the 12 University of Rochester Alumni and faculty members, all of whom have been named in the university’s history. The Nobel categories are economics, physics, medicine and chemistry. The Nobel Prize winners are all in recognition of their great contributions in their respective fields.

The University of Rochester is one of twenty-five New Ivy League schools that, although private, produce highly qualified students with a strong grasp of the basics of their field of study. The random tool details the 12 winners’ names, categories, dates, and relation. If you’re curious, or want to apply for this school, the information compiled by the generator will give you a clearer picture of the school.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of Nobel Laureates affiliated with the University of Rochester.

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