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  • [Year]: 2002
    [Image]: Raymond Davis, Jr 2001.jpg
    [Laureate]: Raymond Davis, Jr.
    [Relation]: Professor, 1985–2006
    [Category]: Physics
    [Rationale]: "for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos"

  • [Year]: 2000
    [Laureate]: Alan J. Heeger
    [Relation]: Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter, 1962–1982
    [Category]: Chemistry
    [Rationale]: "for their discovery and development of conductive polymers"

  • [Year]: 1999
    [Image]: Ahmed Zewail.jpg
    [Laureate]: Ahmed Zewail
    [Relation]: Ph.D., 1974; Sc.D. 1997
    [Category]: Chemistry
    [Rationale]: "for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy"

  • [Year]: 2009
    [Image]: Nobel Prize 2009-Press Conference KVA-24.jpg
    [Laureate]: George E. Smith
    [Relation]: B.S., 1955
    [Category]: Physics
    [Rationale]: "for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor"

  • [Year]: 2004
    [Image]: Nobel2004chemistrylaurets-Rose.jpg
    [Laureate]: Irwin Rose
    [Relation]: Professor of Physical Biochemistry, 1971–
    [Category]: Chemistry
    [Rationale]: "for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation"

  • [Year]: 1997
    [Image]: Prusiner 1.JPG
    [Laureate]: Stanley B. Prusiner
    [Relation]: A.B., 1964; M.D., 1968
    [Category]: Physiology or Medicine
    [Rationale]: "for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection"

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The University of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a well known private research university, one of Ivy League. Founded at 1740, it is the fourth oldest institution of Higher Education in the United States and the first modern institution of Higher Education in science, technology and the humanities.

The University of Pennsylvania leads the way in arts, humanities, social sciences, architecture and engineering education, with the best-known disciplines being business, law and medicine. Similarly, among the 29 Nobel laureates, in addition to physiology, physics and chemistry, there are some of the more popular majors at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania is also the largest recipient of Nobel prizes by any school in the United States. Random tools generate detailed records of the achievements of these great men, including their specific time, achievement, award type and time.

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