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Random Mr. Meaty Charactersreport

  • Ashley 2: a member of the girl group of Scaunchburo Mall. She has long curly blond hair clipped back, pink clothing, and pink makeup. She speaks with a nasally voice and chews on her hair when nervous. Ashley 2 is also not very bright (she thought Parker was a magic genie when all the food he attempted to eat vanished when it was in fact a super fast tapeworm emerging from his mouth to eat the food before he could). Ashley 2 loves frogs and toads. (Against Josh Group)

  • Hamish Parker's other best friend. Technically, he didn't work at Mr. Meaty, but he was in the episode of the same name. Hamish was actually a piece of ham made with other foods as well, and Parker befriended him because Josh neglected him. (Other Characters)

  • Ashley 2 She and Brittney are followers of Ashley. (Sparkle City Movie Theater Staff)

  • Natalie, "Noseferateens" A little vampire girl discovered in the freezer. She turned Parker and Josh into vampires. (Other Characters)

  • Edward R. Carney (Mr. Meaty is named after him) (voice by Marty Stelnick) He is the original founder and current owner of the Mr. Meaty chain. His body was cryogenically frozen in the freezer of Scaunchboro's Mr. Meaty until Parker and Josh found him and thawed him out. Now, he’s back to founding and owning the Mr. Meaty empire and bossing his employees around. He rides around a high-tech wheelchair that he uses to send an electric charge to the electric chip on Mr. Wink's head. His appearance is a parody of Colonel Sanders. (Mr. Meaty Staff)

  • Ashley Steinberg Her best friends are Brittney and Ashley 2. She seems to be the leader of the trio. Though she hates Josh, she agrees to go out with him at times. In the episode "Schnozzola" it's revealed that her last name is Steinberg. (Pantosphere Staff)

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About This Tool

Mr. Meaty is a television show on Nickelodeon that focuses on a fictional pair of teenage boys who work at a fast food restaurant in the fictional Scaunchboro Mall: Nerdy, Awkward Parker Dinkleman and charming, popular but not in and, self-centered Josh Redgrove. These boys often find themselves in strange, supernatural, or grotesque situations.

Mr. mcgrady’s appearance has given the children wonderful memories of their childhood. Viewers are all too familiar with the characters that often appear on the show, but surely you don’t know who the staff is? Josh Redgrove, Parker Dinkleman,. Wink, Lizzy, Ashley Steinberg, Goth Girl, etc. . The random tool generator collates more than we thought, with 32 items. Being familiar with the hard-working people behind the scenes helps us better understand the creative process behind the show.

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