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  • As You Age, You Will Probably Become Happier on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#14) As You Age, You Will Probably Become Happier

    Yeah, wrinkles and a slowly deteriorating body aren't much fun, but aging isn't all bad news. Research has shown that plenty of things actually get better with age. Studies show that you're happiest as a kid and then again in your 70s and 80s. We don't know why exactly this is, but it could be that by that age, we've learned how to cope with things emotionally and socially in healthy ways. People over the age of 65 tend to be less stressed than younger folks, which can also lead to an increase in happiness. 

    Even though we all have stress throughout life, it's nice to know that life will at least become less stressful than it is in our 20s and 30s. 

  • Plaque Will Start Lining Your Arteries on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#2) Plaque Will Start Lining Your Arteries

    The plaque that forms in your arteries is way worse than the plaque that ends up on your teeth. As you get older, cholesterol causes plaque to line your arteries. As it builds up, your blood flow is increasingly reduced, which can lead to a blood clot that becomes a heart attack. 

    If you think you're immune to this problem, think again - plaque buildup is the leading cause of death in America. The bad news is, once you have plaque buildup, it's pretty difficult to get rid of; a diet reduced in cholesterol can help, but there are no guarantees.  

    Blood vessel lining can weaken due to certain risk factors, like a poor diet or smoking. This allows plaque to get in, slowly corroding your arteries. LDL (bad cholesterol) makes its way into the cracks of your arteries, much like a weed grows in a cracked sidewalk. Eventually, the weeds (LDL) take over, leading to full-blown cholesterol plague.

    The one positive here is plaque buildup and its management isn't out of your hands by any means. By leading a - you guessed it - healthy lifestyle involving exercise, proper diet, and a practice in moderation when it comes to alcohol and other vices, you can slow down plaque buildup. And if you're reading this thinking you are in the clear since you are so young, you're wrong; autopsies of adolescents have shown the beginnings of plaque. 

  • Your Hearing Gradually Gets Worse on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#4) Your Hearing Gradually Gets Worse

    Generally, your hearing ability starts to decrease midlife and gets worse as time goes on. A third of people between 65 and 75 have hearing problems; half of those over 75 do. As in the case with a lot about aging, we don't know exactly why hearing starts to fade as we age. Environmental factors could also influence hearing loss - both excessive noise pollution and free radicals have been cited as possible reasons behind hearing loss as we age. 

    As always, preventative measures are key when it comes to retaining your hearing. Wear earplugs when you are around loud noises (like a concert or construction), keep your headphone volume low, and get regular checkups to make sure everything is in working condition. 

  • You Can Develop Alzheimer's, Which Is On The Rise on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#1) You Can Develop Alzheimer's, Which Is On The Rise

    The Alzheimer's Association estimates that in 2050 there could be as many as 16 million Americans living with Alzheimer's. The brain disorder is an irreversible and progressive disease that slowly destroys your memory and thinking abilities. The symptoms worsen over time, and full-time assistance is needed even for the simplest of tasks during the late stages of the disease.

    There is no cure for Alzheimer's, and a slew of drugs meant to slow the progression of the disease failed their large clinical trails. Promising treatments are in development, but for now, many doctors advocate preventative action to avoid a deadly diagnosis. A healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and exercise may help people with a genetic predisposition to the disease avoid or prolong the onset of Alzheimer's.

    There are also promising treatments on the horizon. Insulin resistance and inflammation, both associated with Alzheimer's, are the focus of many Alzheimer's studies today. Still, there is no cure, so it may be in your best interest to cultivate a healthy lifestyle to avoid Alzheimer's hardships in the future. 

  • Your Skin Starts Sagging And Aging In Your 20s on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#10) Your Skin Starts Sagging And Aging In Your 20s

    Turns out that your skin doesn't abruptly starting going downhill all at once. Though researchers once thought that skin aging began at 35, a study showed that cells change differently as you age. You don't notice, however, until all of the effects come together, which makes sense.

    These cell differences were divided into five processes. In your 20s, your skin decreases antioxidant production. This means it's crucial to use sunscreen much earlier, and that using antioxidants in your skin products becomes necessary much earlier as well.

    In your 30s, your skin cells don't create collagen, repair skin, or even absorb products as quickly as it used to. To help mitigate this, you can use products with B3, which has been shown to raise skin's bioenergy levels.  

    At 40, your complexion will visibly change. This process is called "senescence," and it looks different for everyone. By this age, it's important to use things like retinol to keep skin looking healthy. 

  • Some People Age Faster Than Others on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#11) Some People Age Faster Than Others

    Have you ever thought about how people don't age at the same rate? For example, you may be 30 and in desperate need of Botox, but your friend still looks like she's in college. Why is that? 

    Until 2017, scientists didn't have a firm answer to that question. Researchers studied nematodes  (wormlike creatures with short lifespans) and determined the nematodes, like humans, also aged differently. Some, for example, lost locomotive skills; others kept moving well into old age. Scientists think that how we age - that is, how quickly or slowly we age and how our quality of life differs from one person to the other - is because new genes are appearing as species change, as in the case with the nematodes. Ultimately, this means aging is an evolutionary process. 

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About This Tool

More and more adults tend to pay special attention to the changes in our body at each stage of aging. We may find that we need glasses when we are 30 years old, we cannot lose weight as easily as we were only 20 years old, we may not exercise vigorously like teenagers, and our hearing seems to be gradually getting worse.

Our genes determine our lifespan. With the aging process, our organs and DNA are broken and damaged until they can no longer work as before. The random tool lists 14 of the scariest things that happen when we are aging.

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