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  • [Site]: Tomb of Hami Islamic King
    [Chinese name]: 哈密回王墓; Hami Hui wangmu
    [Location]: Hami
    [Designation]: 6-297
    [Image]: Upload file

  • [Site]: Shanpula Tombs
    [Chinese name]: 山普拉古墓群; Shanpula gumuqun
    [Location]: Lop County
    [Designation]: 5-193
    [Image]: Upload file

  • [Site]: Id Kah Mosque
    [Chinese name]: 艾提尕尔清真寺; Aitiga'er qingzhensi
    [Location]: Kashgar
    [Designation]: 5-440
    [Image]: Kashgar-mezquita-id-kah-d01.jpgUpload file

  • [Site]: Mo'er Temple Ruins
    [Chinese name]: 莫尔寺遗址; Mo'er si yizhi
    [Location]: Shufu County
    [Designation]: 5-134
    [Image]: Upload file

  • [Site]: Tashkurgan Ruins
    [Chinese name]: 石头城遗址; Shitou cheng yizhi
    [Location]: Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County 塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县
    [Designation]: 5-138
    [Image]: Tashkurghan Fort.jpgUpload file

  • [Site]: Jiaohe ruins
    [Chinese name]: 雅尔湖故城; Ya'erhu gucheng (交河故城; Jiaohe gucheng)
    [Location]: Turpan
    [Designation]: 1-155
    [Image]: Jiaohe Ruins.JPGUpload file

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About This Tool

Xinjiang is located in the northwest of China, the hinterland of the Eurasian continent since ancient times is an inseparable part of China. Was an important passage along the ancient Silk Road. In 138 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the western regions, and the Western Han regime established ties with the city-states of the western regions. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty set up a Protectorate of the Western Regions in Wulei (present-day Luntai County) . Since then, the western regions have been officially included in the Han Dynasty. Qing Ganlong later renamed the western region as Xinjiang, 1884 formally established Sinkiang Province, the provincial capital of Ürümqi (now Urumqi). Incorporation of Xinjiang into the People’s Republic of China, 1949, founded Xinjiang on Oct. 1, 1955, with its capital in Urumqi.

The random tool generated 58 entries and recorded the list of major historical and cultural sites in Xinjiang. These cultural sites have been chronicled as one of the few tourist attractions that posterity will think of every time it is mentioned, including Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves, Kumtura Thousand Buddha Caves, Gaochang ruins, Jiaohe Ruins, Emin Minaret and others.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of Major National Historical and Cultural Sites in Xinjiang.

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