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  • (#1) The 'It Must Be Free' One

    From Redditor /u/Larry2Thumbs:

    "No price tag, so it's free today, right?"

  • (#3) The One About Not Being Able To Find A Million Dollars

    From Redditor /u/Youcanthearjimmy:

    [Me:] Is there anything I can help you find?

    [Customer:] Yeah, a million dollars.

    I hated having to smile at every idiot that said this.

  • (#19) The One About Being Old

    From Redditor /u/goldminevelvet:

    When I ask for an ID, [the customer says], "Oh, I know I'm old," or some variation. I'm tired of it.

    Be lucky you're "old," because some people never reach the age that you are now. Plus, they have disposable money to spend on alcohol and their health that allows them to get out of their car and buy it...

    [I]t just annoys me. I usually just do a weak laugh or say, "At least you're still kicking."

  • (#17) The One About The Paper Clip

    From Redditor /u/RPShep:

    I used to work at an art store. We had a display near the front with giant paper clips. At least once a day, someone would pick one up and say, "Now that's a paperclip." It was almost always even with the exact same inflection.

    It wasn't even funny the first time. It was [torment] after working there a year.

  • (#15) The One From The Tree Hugger

    From  Redditor /u/winnie_bago:

    When you offer them a bag and they say, "Save a plastic tree."

    I just smile and nod.

  • (#14) The One From The Guy Who Didn't Just Turn 21

    From Redditor /u/gaypurple:

    Selling cigarettes at my store: “Here’s my ID; I just turned 21”...


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About This Tool

Almost all people who work in the retail industry suffer under the "jokes" of customers. Some absurd guests don't have the clearest concept of comedy or what employees like to hear at work. The most tiring thing for retail staff is often not busywork, bad products or high prices, but ridiculous jokes by customers that are wasting their time.

Sometimes customers may think they have a sense of humor. However, for busy retail workers, these jokes will be very speechless or even annoying. The random tool lists 19 jokes that retail workers do not want to hear at work anymore.

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