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  • You're a terrible kisser on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#21) You're a terrible kisser

    You're a terrible kisser on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)
  • You invite your mom to come along on our date. on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#44) You invite your mom to come along on our date.

  • You interrupt or talk over me. on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#30) You interrupt or talk over me.

    You interrupt or talk over me. on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)
  • You talk excessively about your mom, your exes, or your shrink on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#11) You talk excessively about your mom, your exes, or your shrink

    You talk excessively about your mom, your exes, or your shrink on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)
  • You don't understand sarcasm (or laugh at any of my jokes) on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#10) You don't understand sarcasm (or laugh at any of my jokes)

    You don't understand sarcasm (or laugh at any of my jokes) on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)
  • You casually mention you have a girlfriend on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

    (#3) You casually mention you have a girlfriend

    You casually mention you have a girlfriend on Random Inexcusable Dating Dealbreakers (from a Woman's Viewpoint)

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About This Tool

On the first date, all kinds of things can go wrong, but not every trap is as obvious as you think. Everyone is trying to avoid some common dating dealbreakers. Many of the common date red flags we discussed before, such as getting drunk, spending too much time on your phone, and talking about your other dates are never the best ideas.

A survey also shows that some well-known dating dealbreakers are actually no big deal for each other. The random tool lists 52 inexcusable dating dealbreakers that most women would hate, so everyone should pay special attention when dating.

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