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  • Dark Young - 'Overlord' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#8) Dark Young - 'Overlord'

    There are a lot of reasons why Ainz Ooal Gown is considered to be wildly OP, and Dark Young is one of them. By sacrificing 70,000 members of the  Royal Army in one shot, he's able to summon the Dark Young. These Eldritch abominations look like slobbering goats with tentacles, and they make short work of the rest of the army. The majority of the army was composed of untrained peasants, but even the strongest warriors couldn't have possibly stood up to that mess. 

  • The Eighth Inner Gate - 'Naruto' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#1) The Eighth Inner Gate - 'Naruto'

    Might Guy isn't the only person to open all Eight Gates, but he only does it once, and he's one of the only people to survive it. The Eight Gates are a series of blocks that prevent a person from using the full extent of their power. Removing each gate grants greater levels of strength, but it also damages the body. The Eighth gate allows the user access to a forbidden Taijutsu technique called Night Guy, but it also typically results in the person being fully destroyed.

    Might Guy opens the Eighth Gate only once, during a climactic battle against Madara. He survives thanks to Naruto's Yin–Yang Release, but his leg is permanently damaged. As a result, he starts using a wheelchair.

  • The Tree of Depravity - 'Yu Yu Hakusho' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#7) The Tree of Depravity - 'Yu Yu Hakusho'

    Fresh from a fight in which he was forced to take a child's life, Kurama isn't in the mood to play around when he faces Elder Toguro. Now a parasite inhabiting Makihara's body, he can regenerate infinitely and therefore will live forever, which is what makes this attack particularly cruel. Kurama summons the The Tree of Depravity, which sucks the life out of whatever being it has in its clutches until that being passes away, all the while forcing it to endure endless hallucinations. Since Elder Toguro is functionally immortal, the torment will never end. 

  • Muscle Gravity - 'Ultimate Muscle' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#13) Muscle Gravity - 'Ultimate Muscle'

    Not too many anime fans remember this series, but that doesn't make its epic one-time move any less epic. When Kid Muscle goes up against the seemingly far stronger Kevin Mask during a tournement, he manages to turn a seemingly one-sided fight around by developing an ultimate move that reverses his opponent's attack at zero hour. This is after getting both of his arms broken, among other injuries.

  • Mugetsu - 'Bleach' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#2) Mugetsu - 'Bleach'

    After using a technique called Saigo no Getsuga Tenshō, Ichigo Kurosaki is able to achieve a form called Getsuga that dramatically changes both his appearance and his strength. Once in this form, he's able to use Mugetsu. Mugetsu lets him generate a huge black blade of Reiatsu energy that severely damages everything unlucky enough to enter its path.

    Using Mugetsu means the loss of Ichigo's Shinigami powers, so it's a huge gamble. Luckily, he managed to land a hit that forced Aizen to revert to a previous evolutionary stage, making it possible to defeat him.

  • Flame Emperor - 'One Piece' on Random Incredibly Strong Anime Attacks That Were Only Used Onc

    (#6) Flame Emperor - 'One Piece'

    Flame Emperor is Portgas D. Ace's most incredible attack. Using his Flame-Flame Fruit, he creates an enormous fireball that resembles the sun. The thing nearly engulfs an entire island. An impressive display of strength, but unfortunately not enough to take down Blackbeard and his Dark-Dark Fruit. 

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About This Tool

I think the greatest trick in anime is the Oogway Qigong. As the pinnacle of Japanese Anime, Dragon Ball is undoubtedly one of the most famous anime IP in the world. So when we think of Dragon Ball, we think of Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Freezer, the classics. When it comes to the Dragon Ball’s killer technique, the Kamehameha style is undoubtedly better known by all. Master Roshi created and later taught Yu Wukong, but this is one of the only early moves Sun Wukong Dragon Ball Super still uses, from the earliest dragon balls to the present day.

In addition to Oogway Qigong, this random tool has collected 13 entries documenting some of the classic kill techniques from the cartoons. You can see Mugetsu-‘Bleach’, The Eighth Inner Gate-‘Naruto’, Indra’s Arrow-‘Naruto’, Zero Hand-‘Hunter x Hunter’ and more from this tool.

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