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  • POWs Were Impaled On Enormous Spikes on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#1) POWs Were Impaled On Enormous Spikes

    According to the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Pharaoh Akhenaten - reportedly impaled 225 Nubian POWs during his reign.

    Another Pharaoh, Merenptah, gave "a great number" of Libyans the same treatment.

  • Children Were Dismembered And Burned Alive On A Bed Of Thorns on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#3) Children Were Dismembered And Burned Alive On A Bed Of Thorns

    Diodorus Siculus, a first-century Greek historian, frequently wrote about Egyptian history and customs. In one of his writings, he recounts the truly horrific treatment allotted to young parricides - children who had slain their own parents.

    According to Siculus, this punishment was so extreme because Egyptians considered the parricides' crime - taking the lives of those who gave them life - to be the worst action a human being could possibly commit.

  • Citizens Faced Capital Punishment For Not Being Good Samaritans on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#7) Citizens Faced Capital Punishment For Not Being Good Samaritans

    Diodorus Siculus claimed that ancient Egypt invoked dire consequences for anyone who didn't prevent the harm of another. 

    This particular law applied to anyone who witnessed an incident of violence, and the consequence was capital punishment.

  • Akhenaten Sentenced His Own Daughter To Perish on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#10) Akhenaten Sentenced His Own Daughter To Perish

    Pharaoh Akhenaten was hardly one of ancient Egypt's kindest fathers. He was ruthless in his children's punishments. One tale tells of Akhenaten ordering his daughter's execution following an argument between them.

    To ensure he wouldn't encounter her in the afterlife, he severed one of her hands. Beliefs of the time upheld that a soul would only be admitted into the afterlife if their body was intact.

  • Hypatia Was Brutally Beaten In A Church on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#9) Hypatia Was Brutally Beaten In A Church

    Hypatia of Alexandria was a popular Neoplatonist philosopher, a leading mathematician, and a prominent astronomer. In 415 or 416 CE, a mob of Christian zealots dragged her into the street killing her.

    Hypatia's popularity placed her in the center of a vicious power struggle between Alexandria's governor, Orestes - who was also one of Hypatia's admirers - and Cyril, the city's ambitious archbishop. The latter sought to win the Church's control of Alexandria and the former resisted, nearly resulting in his own demise.

    When Hypatia was rumored to be thwarting the reconciliation efforts between Cyril and Orestes, a mob leader of the zealots chose to eliminate her.

  • The Wife Of Pharaoh Ramesses III Slit His Throat And Severed His Toe on Random Gruesome Ways People Died In Ancient Egypt

    (#8) The Wife Of Pharaoh Ramesses III Slit His Throat And Severed His Toe

    Pharaoh Ramesses III was the victim of the infamous "harem conspiracy." In which Ramesses's wife, Tiye, plotted to slay her husband and place her son, Pentawere, on the throne. As Ramesses had multiple wives, Tiye wished to ensure her son's place in the line of succession.

    The plot eventually included several others, all of whom were later executed when the plot failed. Ultimately, Ramesses's throat was slit and his toe was severed, but his chosen successor, Amun-her-khepeshef, still ascended to the throne as Ramesses IV.

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About This Tool

In ancient Egyptian cognition and concepts, death does not mean the end of life but represents another form of life. They believe that the soul still exists after death, and believe in the theory of eternal life. It is precise because of this concept that the ancient Egyptians paid special attention to death rituals. They carefully built mausoleums and made mummies. 

Burning alive is one of the most terrifying punishments in ancient Egypt. They believed that burning alive would destroy the human body so that the perpetrator could not be rebirth. The random tool introduced 10 creepy ways people dies in ancient Egypt.

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