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  • Captain America on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#18) Captain America

    • The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Ultimate Avengers, Captain America, Ultimate Avengers 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Captain America II: Death Too Soon, Captain America, 3 Dev Adam, Marvel Universe

    Who He Is: Steve Rogers was a weak man before partaking in the experiment that used a specially formulated Super Soldier Serum to transform him into Captain America. He fought against HYDRA and the Germans during WWII, but was frozen in the ice for seven decades before waking up in the present. He then went on to lead the Avengers against numerous threats and proved he was a capable tactician in any situation.

    Why Is He So Dumb? Cap isn't dumb, per se, but he doesn't always use his intelligence to make wise decisions. When he relies on his emotions to do what he perceives as the right thing to do, he often walks a hard road, and this has made his time in the present incredibly difficult.

    His Dumbest Moment: Cap has always had a soft place in his heart for Bucky, but when he returned as the Winter Soldier, Cap sacrificed himself to save his friend. While this was noble, it wasn't necessarily a smart move, and he ultimately chose Bucky over Tony and even his country when the Sokovia Accords divided the team in Captain America: Civil War. He even fought against Tony with Bucky, which resulted in the destruction of the Avengers. Had he been thinking straight, he would have worked with his friend instead of fighting against him.

    His Dumbest Line: "Language!"

  • Korg on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#14) Korg

    • Planet Hulk

    Who He Is: On the surface, he's a giant rock monster from outer space, but underneath that, he's got a heart of gold. He joined forces with the Hulk and Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, and remained by Thor's side through the Blip.

    Why Is He So Dumb? He's a freedom fighter, but he's terrible at organizing, and clearly relies on his strength and durability to win a fight. While he has good intentions and is friendly, he clearly isn't the smartest character in the MCU.

    His Dumbest Moment: Though it happened off-screen, Korg explained that he tried to organize a revolution, but didn't print enough pamphlets. This led to his capture, and he was then thrown into the Contest of Champions to compete as a gladiator. Many have pointed out online that this was a hilarious example of "paper beating rock."

    His Dumbest Line: "I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up. Except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator."

  • Luis, Dave, & Kurt on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#9) Luis, Dave, & Kurt

    Who They Are: Luis, Dave, and Kurt are reformed criminals who still get into some dirty work every now again when they help their buddy, Scott Lang. They clearly don't have the highest intellects in the Marvel Universe, but they mean well, and when push comes to shove, they do the right thing, which makes them a part of the good guys.

    Why Are They So Dumb? They are more interested in the end results without spending much time properly preparing for anything. This has them going in blindly a lot of the time, and even when they do fall into line with a plan, they tend to screw things up. This causes problems for everyone else involved, but they seem to get themselves out of trouble almost as easily as they find themselves in it.

    Their Dumbest Moment: Their collective dumbest moment was also one of the most important for the MCU. They hatched a plan to take... something, which turned out to be Hank Pym's Ant-Man suit. While it worked out well for Scott, and they eventually reformed to become security experts with their own company, it was a pretty stupid plan from start to finish - and they couldn't have even done it were it not for Lang's inclusion.

    Luis' Dumbest Line: "Yeah, my mom died, too. And my dad got deported. But I got the van!"

    Dave's Dumbest Line: "We broke into this spooky ass house, didn't we?"

    Kurt's Dumbest Line: "Old man have safe."

  • Roger Harrington on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#3) Roger Harrington

    Who He Is: Mr. Harrington is a science teacher at Midtown School of Science and Technology. He is responsible for overseeing his school's academic decathlon team and is one of Peter Parker's teachers.

    Why Is He So Dumb? Though he's clearly intelligent, having earned his degree from Culver University, he's completely oblivious to everything that's going on around him. This makes him a poor choice when it comes to being responsible for a bunch of children in Washington, DC, and Europe.

    His Dumbest Moment: Chaperoning the trip to Europe revealed what a bumbling fool Mr. Harrington could be. He dropped his camera in a Venetian canal, didn't research any aspect of the trip in advance, took his kids to a museum that was shut down, and accepted all of the surprising upgrades without question, even though it was clearly unusual and potentially a trap.

    His Dumbest Line: "As you know, we made it out alive. And that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again."

  • Topaz on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#4) Topaz

    • Marvel Universe

    Who She Is: Topaz was the bodyguard and right-hand woman to the Grandmaster. She delighted in hurting people and enjoyed barking at anyone she didn't like - which was pretty much everyone she came in contact with. Regardless, she was sophisticated and otherwise polite to her boss, to whom she was completely loyal.

    Why Is She So Dumb? Her confidence borders on arrogance, and that made her vulnerable to making poor decisions in the heat of the moment.

    Her Dumbest Moment: While chasing Bruce Banner, Thor, and Valkyrie, she became distracted by fireworks and crashed her ship. This was mainly due to her complete and total arrogance in believing she could take out their ship and end the revolution.

    Her Dumbest Line: "Sorry, the 'prisoners with jobs' have armed themselves."

  • The Other on Random Dumbest Characters In Marvel Cinematic Univers

    (#7) The Other

    • The Avengers

    Who He Is: The Other was the vocal proxy and second-in-command to Thanos. He represented the Mad Titan in most of his dealings with his underlings and served as his personal servant. He gave Loki the Chitauri Army so that he could conquer Earth, and gave him the scepter, which contained the Mind Stone.

    Why Is He So Dumb? He assumed that he was as powerful as his master when he spoke on his behalf, which proved to be his undoing.

    His Dumbest Moment: While addressing Ronan the Accuser, he spoke down to him and treated him as if he were nothing. Ronan was not the kind of guy you could get away with disrespecting. As he raised his voice to the Kree zealot, Ronan swiftly, and without a second thought, snapped his neck with his Cosmi-Rod.

    His Dumbest Line: "Lower your tone! I may be your..."

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Have you ever watched any Marvel movies? For many Marvel fans, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is generally a very interesting place. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has shown so many members who have superpowers or talented skills, whether those are bad supervillains or superheroes who are selfless. Who is your favorite Marvel character? Everyone has their own idea about the worst character in MCU.

This page shows 18 entries, you will find the dumbest characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Taserface, Roger Harrington, Topaz, and more. Welcome to check the funny collection and share your thoughts. 

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