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  • (#1) Jon Snow

    "...I couldn't keep my promise. And everything that's happened since then, all this horror that's come to my family, it's all because I couldn't love a motherless child."
  • (#2) On Being a Boss

    "On my honor as a Tully. On my honor as a Stark. Let him go, or I will CUT your wife's throat! "
  • (#3) Do You Know Who I Am?

    "You will strike me down? Have you forgotten me, ser? I am the widow of your liege lord, Eddard Stark! I am the mother of your king!"
  • (#5) On What Is to Come

    "They both have their health, gods be good. The raven brought more news. The king rides for Winterfell... with the queen, and all the rest of them."
  • (#9) Motherhood

    "Bran and Rickon are captives in Winterfell. Sansa and Arya are captives in King's Landing. I have five children, and only one of them is free."
  • You'd Be Surprised on Random Best Catelyn Stark Quotes

    (#7) You'd Be Surprised

    "How much could he possibly drink, a man of his... stature?"

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About This Tool

Catelyn Stark is the wife of Duke Ed Stark, the lord of Winterfell. She was born in House Tully in the Crownlands, and her marriage led to the alliance between the Crownlands and the North. She has 5 children and has a deep love for each of them. After a series of incidents attacked the House Stark, how to save her children became the main consideration in her various decisions. 

Catelyn Stark is an upright, strong, and kind woman, but she never forgives that Ed Stark brings his illegitimate son Jon Snow into her family. The random tool lists 10 classic quotes Catelyn Stark said. 

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