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  • Soichiro Shimogamo's Brother Hands Him Over To The Friday Fellows In 'The Eccentric Family' on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#14) Soichiro Shimogamo's Brother Hands Him Over To The Friday Fellows In 'The Eccentric Family'

    Soichiro Ebisugawa loved his younger brother Soun the way any typical person would love their sibling - but Soun didn't seem to be able to reciprocate his elder brother's warm feelings. Rather than simply enjoy their connection, he boiled with jealousy over the fact that Soichiro ended up marrying Tousen, a woman who he would have very much liked to marry himself. He was also jealous of Soichiro's political power and social influence.

    In response to those feelings of jealousy - and to get some clout with a powerful social group - Soun helps the Friday Fellows capture Soichiro and eat him for dinner. This isn't cannibalism - Soichiro and Soun are both tanukis, shapeshifting creatures who often take human from, while the Friday Fellows are humans. So while Soun didn't sell his brother out to cannibals, he did send him to his demise. 

  • Nina Tucker's Father Fuses Her With The Family Dog In 'Fullmetal Alchemist' on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#1) Nina Tucker's Father Fuses Her With The Family Dog In 'Fullmetal Alchemist'

    Nina Tucker was a little girl who, like most little girls, loved her daddy. The last thing she expected was for him to fuse her with the family dog. But Shou Tucker does exactly that. Why? Because he thought that producing a 'talking chimera' would secure his career as a state alchemist, and his job was apparently more important to him than his child - and his dog. In fact, it was also more important to him than his wife, because he did the exact same thing to Nina's mother and another dog.

    If you want to punch this guy in the face, you're totally not alone - he's one of the most loathed anime characters of all time. 

  • Sailor Moon on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#13) Sailor Moon

    • Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie, Sailor Moon S the Movie, Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose, Sailor Moon

    Sometimes, a betrayal can still be heartbreaking even if it isn't the real deal. That's what happens when Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus seemingly betray the rest of the Sailor Scouts by teaming up with their enemy, Sailor Galaxia. Sailor Moon is understandably devastated by this betrayal. 

    The betrayal turns out to be a ruse to help the Scouts defeat Sailor Galaxia, but that plan doesn't work out so well for them - when they reveal to Galaxia where their allegiance truly lies, she destroys them. 

  • The Survey Corps Discover That Their Allies Are Titans In 'Attack On Titan' on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#4) The Survey Corps Discover That Their Allies Are Titans In 'Attack On Titan'

    The Survey Corps actually endure this repeatedly at the hands of their comrades, Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. Going through the trauma of fighting Titans together made the cadets feel closely bonded to one another, so when they first discover that Annie is actually the Female Titan, it's devastating news.

    But things get worse from there. It turns out that Reiner and Bertholdt are also Titan shifters - specifically, the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan, who breached Wall Maria, destroying thousands of lives and turning many cast members into refugees.

    The cadets don't know whether to feel worse about the events themselves, or the fact that they were perpetrated by trusted friends.

  • Kenshin Himura on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#11) Kenshin Himura

    • Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal, Director's Cut

    Kenshin Himura's life prior to the start of Runouni Kenshin was a bloody and miserable one. He works as a mercinary, and while he's highly skilled, he's emotionally unsuited for the job. One of the few solaces that he had was his relationship with Tomoe, his first wife.

    What he doesn't realize is that Tomoe was originally married to a man whose life Kenshin ended, and Tomoe only married him so that she could get revenge. 

    Ultimately, she realizes that she truly loves Kenshin, and she tries to call off the assassination attempt she helped to orchestrate, even taking lives herself to protect her husband. But despite her change of heart, it's too late to do anything about it - and Kenshin ends up accidentally eliminating her as he tries to defend his own life.

    After this brutal series of events, Kenshin decides to dedicate himself to a peaceful existence. He doesn't blame Tomoe for attempting to betray him, rather he grieves her loss and regrets his own actions. 

  • Ohgi Kaname's Girlfriend Shoots Him In 'Code Geass' on Random Anime Characters Who Were Betrayed By Someone They Lo

    (#10) Ohgi Kaname's Girlfriend Shoots Him In 'Code Geass'

    Ohgi Kaname, a key member of the Black Knights, comes across Villeta Nu, a Brittainian woman who is loyal to the empire. Normally, the two of them would have been enemies, but because Villeta's memories are temporarily lost, they end up falling in love. 

    When Villeta regains her memories, she quickly reverts to her formerly racist opinion of Japanese people. That's why she shoots him in the stomach and commandeers a Knightmare Frame - all while Ohgi has no idea who she truly is or why the woman he loves would do such a thing.

    Eventually, the two reconnect and fall in love again, but that betrayal is likely to stay with them forever. 

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About This Tool

In the eyes of the world, a traitor is a disgrace. But from the point of view of Chrollo Lucifer, the head of the Phantom Brigade, the question of whether a traitor will betray is really a question of the balance between the gain and the cost, people who don’t cheat are just not tempted enough. There is no Judas because anyone can be Judas.

The random generator tool collates 15 entries and records 15 classic anime characters who were betrayed by their loved ones. To be betrayed by someone you love is a very painful thing, and you may doubt your life forever and refuse to accept any more love. According to the tool, characters like Nina Tucker, Momo Hinamori, Shoto Todoroki, Sasuuchiha, Guts, etc. have all been betrayed. How would you choose to live?

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